Plastic compression molds:
Compression molding of thermoplastics

Lenser Präzision has been a successful manufacturer of high-quality press molds
for use in the semi-finished products industry for decades.
Customized design

Plastic compression molds

Our compression moulds are mainly used in the production of semi-finished products for the compression moulding of thermoplastics (such as PP, PE and HDPE).
The high-quality design enables the precise production of semi-finished plastic products, for example from high-performance polymers, which can be used after cooling for further use in machining forming processes.
However, they are also used in the production of chamber filter plates and membranes made of polypropylene or similar materials.

Based on its many years of experience and technical expertise, Lenser Präzision also offers a wide range of customized solutions in this area – including precision-ground and coated surfaces.
Talk to us – we will be happy to advise you!

With tools from Lenser

Plastic compression molding

The pressing or compression molding of plastic is used to produce semi-finished products and molded parts as part of a discontinuous process.
Lenser Präzision tools are primarily used in the shaping processing of thermoplastics.
They are designed and manufactured from high-quality steels in our halls in Senden an der Iller.
Learn more about the company Lenser:

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